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Lesson one: Know your enemies!

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Lesson one: Know your enemies! Empty Lesson one: Know your enemies!

Post  Admin Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:20 pm

Now look what a nice link I dug up for you!

This is why we can't have nice things!

Exactly. dear writers and readers, the bane of each and every form of creative writing... the Mary Sue!
Avoid to read and especially avoid to *write* these foul abomination from the deepest abysses of fanfiction.net...*please*!!!

Th aforementioned link is the dry theory, so to speak, but sometimes it might be necessary to see what can happen, if a MarySue runs rampant.
Under great personal risk and armed with a years worth of brain bleach, I have valiantly descended for you into the ghastly abysses of ff.net. to tear some of its ugliest and most disgusting inhabitants winding and screaming into the light of cleansing constructive criticism.

You are reading the following steaming piles of horse hockey at the risk of your own sanity.
Keep brain bleach and brain glue handy.


A disgusting piece of crap,that actually overfullfills every goddamn stereotype of a MarySue-fic by OVER 9000!!11!!!!ONEELEVEN!!!1! %.
Hero rescues raped damsel in distress. Siiiigh. We all know that it is going to be a waste of time and (online) space, but for educational purposes, let's read on.
Oh, DiD is a mutant turtle as well? With *hair*? And of course *beauuuuuutiful* and *speshul*.
Okay, being one of altogether five mutant turtles should be special enough.
But it's not getting better at all. On the other hand, it isn't getting worse... much.


No comment. Of course every Sue has to have an abusive past or some sort of trauma or the other... but it is getting very monotonous.

Kill the lights? More like: Murdering the Kings english...

Bad concept, bad writing, bad spelling, bad grammar. And a DiDSue on top of it all.

Oh help... it's four MSs!!1!!!!!11!!ONEELEVEN!!

Four turtles, four girls... of course, of course...

Forbidden love? Somebody outlaw this piece of crap, NOW!!!

Saki has a daughter. And she instantly turns him completely ooc (more exactly into an angst-ridden pussy) and marries a turtle. Saki goes to jail voluntarily... probably he has figured out that he will be safer with Bubba than at the mercy of this rabid MarySue.
He even changed his name, probably due to embarassment
If you look for decent dialogue, look somewhere else.

The turtles come across a girl. Not an ordinary one: tormented and gifted with the power to see the future.

And that is just the motherfucking SUMMARY!

Saki does NOT!!! want!!

I asked him and he is still praying to the porcelain god... no wonder with this summary.
And no, I am not making this up, though I wish I would. Here it is:
Raph meets a girl with brains like Donnie,
anger like Raph, wit like Mikey, honor like Leo, training and ninja
skills like Master Splinter, and cooking skills. Yet, The Shredder
is after her, why? Maybe it has to do with her odd powers? DEAD!

We can just hope it is dead...

Okay... enough with this torture for now.
If you have somehow made your way through all this bullsh*t with your mind and eyes intact, you will know now what to avoid at all costs.

*leaves a family sized pack of brain bleach and an extra helping of brain glue*

Yours cruelly, the Admin.

Posts : 48
Join date : 2009-11-09


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